Simply Fit's Goal is to address two problems that we have the ability to change:
-Feed members of our community who can no longer provide food for themselves or their families.
-Provide exercise routines that will enable members of our community to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.
By participating in the workout challenge you will be able to kick start your fitness journey while helping others feed their families!
Here are the details...
For 14 Days you will be following an exercise program that we have designed. All exercises require no equipment whatsoever. All exercises have a video attached to them in case you are unsure of how to properly execute the movement. There is a live chat feature which will allow you to speak with one of our trainers if you have any questions or would like us to alter an exercise. All of this healthy fun will take place through a program called Trainerize which is accessible on your phone or desktop. Once the form is filled out, you will receive an email from Simply Fit Personal Training with instructions on how to download the app. Whomever is able to complete all 14 days will receive a free month of Personalized Online Coaching from Simply Fit Personal Training.